Starry Stonewort
Whorls of 4-6 branchlets/leaves with blunt tips
Star-shaped bulbils are produced at the nodes, generally 3-6 mm wide
Can reach up to 33 inches
Eurasian Watermilfoil
Emergent, herbaceous aquatic plant
Stems are whitish-pink to reddish-brown
Leaves are greyish-green with finely divided pairs of leaflets that are ½-2 inches long, gives the plant a feathery appearance
Leaves arranged in whorls of 3-6
Yellow or reddish flower with 4 parts on a projected spike sitting 2-4 inches above water
Usually 3-10 feet tall with a maximum of 33 feet
Curly-Leaf Pondweed
Leaves are dark green with wavy, serrated margins
Submersed, perennial herb with thick roots
Can reach 2 meters in length
Flowering spike grows above water’s surface
Starts growing in fall and winter, flowers in late spring, dies in late July